чак | не беше ЧАК толкова лесно it was not all that easy | |
чак | ЧАК до/в as far as, (right) up to, (right) down to, (right) into | |
чак | ЧАК тогава разбрах it was not until then that I realized | |
чак | ЧАК от двора from way out in the yard | |
чак | ЧАК до късно през нощта until late into the night | |
чак | не е ЧАК толкова придирчив hе is not so particular as all that | |
чак | ЧАК от all the way from | |
чак | дойде ЧАК в десет часа he didn't come till ten o'clock, he only came at ten o'clock | |
чак | отидохме ЧАК до края we went clear to the end | |
чак | ЧАК сега чух за това I've only just heard about it | |
чак | няма ЧАК толкова значение it doesn't matter all that much | |
чак | ЧАК до all the way to; as far as | |
чак | защо ЧАК сега ми казваш? why didn't you tell me before? | |
чак | (за степен) (all) that, that much | |
чак | (за място) | |
чак | (за време) not till/until/before, only; as late as | |
чак | не е ЧАК толкова беден he isn't that poor, he isn't as poor as all that | |
чак | ЧАК тук all the way here | |
чак | ЧАК до (right) until; as late as | |
маи. мит. | чак | Chaac |
маи. мит. | чак | Chac |
маи. мит. | чак | Chaahk |