
  • guilty (за of); culpable
  • ВИНОВЕН съм be to blame (за for); the fault lies with me, the blame is mine
  • много съм ВИНОВЕН be much to blame
  • ти си ВИНОВЕН the blame lies at your door
  • само ти си си ВИНОВЕН you have only yourself to thank/to blame
  • виновният the culprit
  • съдът го призна за ВИНОВЕН he was found guilty, the court brought in a verdict of guilty against him
  • обвиняемият се призна за ВИНОВЕН the defendant pleaded guilty
  • обвиняемият не се призна за ВИНОВЕН the defendant pleaded not guilty
  • виновна усмивка a guilty/an apologetic smile
  • Разговорно
  • it is my fault
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