
  • rule (over), govern, control, dominate; have the use of
  • (притежавам) possess, own
  • (обладавам) reign, prevail
  • ВЛАДЕЯ положението hold the situation in hand, have/keep the situation well in hand
  • тук владее пълна тишина dead/unbroken silence reigns here
  • ВЛАДЕЯ сьрцата/умовете reign over the hurts' the minds
  • ораторът владееше аудиторията си the speaker held his audience
  • (зная) master, be master of (a trade, a skill), have a good grasp of/a thorough command of, be skilful at
  • ВЛАДЕЯ основно have at o.'s fingers' ends
  • ВЛАДЕЯ добре (оръжие, инструмент) wield
  • ВЛАДЕЯ език have (a) command of a language
  • ВЛАДЕЯ перото wield a skilful pen
  • ВЛАДЕЯ техниката be skilful (на at)
  • ВЛАДЕЯ ce control o.s.; have command over o.s.; be master of. o. s
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