
  • take/carry/move/bring out
  • (нагоре) take/carry up
  • export
  • (съобщавам) reveal, disclose, make public/known
  • (публикувам) publish
  • (лекция, доклад) deliver, read; make; hold
  • ИЗНАСЯМ цикъл от лекции read a round of lectures
  • ИЗНАСЯМ доклад read/make a report
  • (нося, понасям) bear, shoulder, carry
  • ИЗНАСЯМ трудностите на войната bear the brunt of the war
  • (театр.) (представление) give
  • (роля) act, play
  • ИЗНАСЯМ представление give a performance (of), perform
  • ИЗНАСЯМ ce move out (of o.'s lodgings); move
  • това ми изнася that suits me, that is to my advantage, that is in my interest
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