Речник Български - Английски
- how (за начин) how, in what way/manner
- КАК сте? how are you? how is life?
- КАКe/върви работата? how is business? how are you getting along?
- КАК така? how come? how is that?
- КАК ви хареса представлението? how did you like the performance?
- КАК e възможно това? how is that possible?
- (за наименование) what
- КАК е на френски "куче"? what is the French for 'dog'? КАК ce казвате? what is your name?
- (какво) what
- вие КАК смятате/мислите? what is your opinion? what do you think?
- КАК ще кръстите детето? what are you going to call the baby?
- (изненада, възмущение) what
- КАК, това е невъзможно! what, that is impossible!
- (както) as
- прави КАК знаеш do as you like
- (колко много, до каква степен) how
- КАК хубаво свири how well he plays
- КАК-КАК by all means, at all costs
- и още КАК! и КАК още and how! ще пее и още КАК he will sing, willy-nilly
- биха ги и още-they licked them and not half
- КАК не те е срам! shame on you! for shame! you ought to be ashamed of yourself! КАК да е,КАК и да е
- so-so; passable
- (безразлично как) any old way/how, one way or another, no matter how; somehow, anyhow
- няма КАК there's no other way; one can't help it, it can't be helped; there's no alternative
- КАК не! you're telling me! sl. says you
- (потвърждение) of course! I should think so! you bet! indeed! КАК да не how can I help (c ger.)
- кой КАК може as best one can
- КАК изглежда вж. изглеждам