
  • (физически поддържам нещо) support, bear, carry, sustain, uphold
  • (с подпора) prop (up), underprop
  • (държа прикрепен) hold/keep in position, hold/keep fast/fixed
  • (някого) support, hold (up), help
  • ще го крепим до дома му we'll help him home
  • (протежирам, закрилям) support, back (up), favour, protect; be the mainstay of
  • (финансово) support, sustain
  • надеждата крепи човека there is no life without hope
  • КРЕПЯ някого на власт keep s.o. in power
  • КРЕПЯ положението keep things under control; hold the fort; keep the ball rolling; manage somehow; keep hunger from the door
  • той крепи положението he is our mainstay, разг. he keeps the ball rolling
  • КРЕПЯ ce
  • (подпирам се, придържам се) be supported/carried/upheld/sustained/borne (на by)
  • stand, rest, lie (на on, upon)
  • КРЕПЯ се здраво stand firm
  • детето вече се крепи на краката си the child can stand on its legs now
  • едва се КРЕПЯ I can hardly stand (on my legs), I am dead beat
  • (живея някакси) manage somehow, keep body and soul together
  • (пазя си здравето) keep/be in good health, wear well; feel well
  • как си? крепиш ли се? how are you keeping? (are you) keeping well?
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