Речник Български - Английски
- наместя settle, put into place, put/set in the right/proper place, fit, adjust, place in position, fit on
- НАМЕСТВАМ изкълчена кост set a bone, put a bone into joint
- можеш ли да наместиш капака? can you fit the lid on?
- намести ли багажа? (във влак) have you found place for all the baggage/luggage? той намести всичките си роднини в министерството he placed all his relatives in the ministry, he found jobs for all his relatives in the ministry
- НАМЕСТВАМ ce place/install/settle/establish o.s.; ensconce o.s.; find room for o.s.
- намести се добре make yourself comfortable
- мъча се да се наместя по нечестен начин jockey for position
- Медицина
- set, adjust, reduce