
  • advance, progress, make progress/headway; push/get along; move onwards; march along; work up; get forward; get on
  • времето напредва time is getting on; it's getting late
  • НАПРЕДВАМ неудържимо sweep on
  • НАПРЕДВАМ с гигантски крачки make great strides forward, разг. get on like a house on fire
  • врагът напредва към столицата the enemy is advancing/marching on the capital
  • жътвата напредва harvesting is making good headway, the harvest is coming on
  • следобедът беше доста напреднал the afternoon was well ahead, it was now well on in the afternoon
  • НАПРЕДВАМ с (работа и пр.) make progress with, carry (an enterprise) forward, come on well with (o.'s studies, etc.), get on (with)
  • работата напредва the work is making progress, the work is going forward
  • прилежният ученик напредва it is the diligent student who gets ahead
  • не НАПРЕДВАМ много бързо I'm not getting on very fast
  • НАПРЕДВАМ в живота get on in life/in the world
  • той положително ще напредне he is sure to get on
  • такива напредват he's the sort that gets on
  • кампанията напредваше the campaign was working up
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