
  • revive, come back to life
  • (за минало и пр.) become alive
  • (оставам жив) survive, live; live to see
  • болният ще оживее the patient will live/pull through
  • ОЖИВЯВАМ след операция survive an operation
  • ако оживеем if we are spared
  • enliven, animate, reanimate, resuscitate, vivify, vitalize, bring life to, put life into, give (s.th.) a lift, sl. pep up
  • (разказ и пр.) touch up
  • ОЖИВЯВАМ събрание put fresh life into a meeting
  • ОЖИВЯВАМ на сърцето на grow on
  • оживяло му е на сърцето he has set his heart on it
  • ОЖИВЯВАМ ce become animated, grow warm(er), warm up, brighten up, come alive, come to life. perk up
  • той се оживи, когато заговори за своята работа he warmed (up) as he got into his subject
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