
  • (a piece of) information, intelligence
  • (отчет) report
  • за СВЕДЕНИЕ by way of information, for the sake of information
  • за СВЕДЕНИЕ на някого for s.o.'s information. сведения information, record
  • (познания) knowledge (пo of)
  • според моите сведения to my knowledge, as far as I know
  • според получените сведения according to information received
  • според някои сведения according to some reports
  • според всички сведения by all reports/accounts
  • неверни сведения misinformation, mis-statements
  • неофициално получени сведения inside information, ам. sl. inside dope
  • имам сведения, че be informed that, have knowledge that
  • давам сведения provide/supply information (за on)
  • давам неверни сведения misinform
  • (за данъци и пр.) make false returns
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