така наречен

  • so-called
49 допълнителни резултата:
наречентака НАРЕЧЕНият the so-called, the one we call, the one referred to as
нареченНАРЕЧЕН така от Петър Велики called that by Peter the Great
нареченcalled, named, termed; described as, referred to as
наречентой е НАРЕЧЕН на дядо си he is named after his grandfather
такаи ТАКА нататък and so on and so forth
такаТАКА не се говори that's not the way to speak
такаso bе it
такаи ТАКА сме си добре we're all right as we are
такаТАКА погледнато looking at it in that light/way
така(ей) ТАКА, току ТАКА just so; for no apparent reason, just like that
такаТАКА кажи that's more like it
така(no този начин) thereby
такаТАКА че/щото so that
таканяма да бъде ТАКА лесно it won't be so/(разг.) that easy
такатой му отговориТАКА this is what he answered, he answered as follows
такаимотът остана ТАКА the property was left uncared for
такаТАКА например (thus) for example, (so) for instance
такаработата стои ТАКА thisis how matters stand
такаxa ТАКА! that's it! както..., ТАКА и both... and
такаако е ТАКА, то if that/it is so, then
такаТАКА му се пада (it) serves him right
такаразхождах се ТАКА I was just walking
такакак ТАКА how come? how's that?
такаТАКА че да so as to
такаето ТАКА ! that's the way (to do it)!ТАКА ли? really? indeed? is that so? is that really the case? so that's it?
така(за потвърждение) that's it/right, that's so, to be sure, sure, so it is
такащом искаш, ТАКА да бъде well then, have it your own way
таказначи ТАКА so that's that
такаТАКА да се каже so to say/speak; as it were
такаТАКА си е, ТАКА стоят работите that's the way it is, that's how matters stand
такакакто тук. ТАКА и там both here and there, here as well as there
така(толкова) so, to such an extent
такаи той ще направи ТАКА he will do likewise
таказащо го направи?-(ей) ТАКА why did you do it?-because I felt like it
такаТАКА-нареченият the so called
такаказа му, ТАКА ли? you told him, did you?
такаТАКА да бъде all right, very well
такаможе и ТАКА да е that's as may be
такаТАКА или иначе somehow or other; one way or (an)other; anyhow, in any event; at any rate; in either case
такаи ТАКА и, ТАКА either way, (без друго) anyhow, anyway
такаТАКА му и казах that's what I told him
така(за начин) thus, so. (in) this/that way, in such a way; like this/that
такаи ТАКА and so; therefore; hence
такабъдете ТАКА добър да be so kind as to, be kind enough to
таканека си остане ТАКА leave it as it is, let it remain as it is
такане току ТАКА not without reason, with good reason
разг.така да се кажеlike
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