Речник Български - Английски
- as if
- allegedly
- professоdly
- ostensibly
- (пред същ.) alleged, would-be
- УЖ поет an alleged/a would-be poet
- УЖ поетични изрази would-be poetical phrases
- на УЖ in pretence; make-believe
- играя на УЖ pretend
- УЖ на шега as if in fun
- думите, които УЖ бил казал the words alleged to have been spoken by him
- УЖ си ми приятел you are supposed to be my friend, you make yourself out to be my friend
- УЖ щеше да дойдеш, пък не дойде you said you would come but you didn't
- УЖ дано hoping (that)