
  • (и ЩОМ като) as soon as, the moment/minute, directly
  • ЩОМ го видях the moment I saw him
  • ще му кажа, ЩОМ го видя I'll tell him as soon as I see him
  • ЩОМ влезе, започна да as soon as/directly/the moment he entered the room he began to
  • (понеже, тъй като) since, as; if; now (that); once
  • ЩОМ си закъснял, трябва да чакаш since you are late, you have to wait
  • ЩОМ си дошъл, по-добре е да останеш now (that) you've come you'd better stay
  • ЩОМ е така, няма какво да се говори in that case/that being the case there's no more to be said
  • остани, ЩОМ искаш stay if you want to
  • ЩОМ си го започнал, трябва да го свършиш once you've begun, you must finish it
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