
  • guilt, guiltiness; fault, blame
  • пo ВИНА на някого through s.o.'s fault
  • не е по негова ВИНА it is through no fault of his
  • ВИНАта е само твоя you have only yourself to blame
  • ВИНАта е моя the blame is mine, the blame lies with me, it is my fault
  • ВИНАта пада върху теб the blame attaches to you/falls on you
  • ВИНАта не е само негова the guilt doss not lie with him alone
  • изкупвам ВИНАта си redeem o.'s fault/o.'s character
  • нося ВИНА be guilty, be to blame
  • стоварвам/хвърлям ВИНАта върху някого put/lay/cast the blame on s.o. (за for), lay the fault at s.o.'s door, blame s.th. on s.o., put s.o. in the wrong
  • признавам ВИНАта си юр. plead guilty
  • отричам всякаква ВИНА plead not guilty, plead innocent
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