
  • младеж с БЪДЕЩЕ a youth of great premise
  • future
  • БЪДЕЩЕто the time to come, the future
  • в БЪДЕЩЕ in the future, henceforth
  • в близко БЪДЕЩЕ in the near/immediate future-by and by; in the years to come
  • БЪДЕЩЕто ще покаже (дали) time will show; it lies with the future (whether)
  • той няма никакво БЪДЕЩЕ lie has no future/prospects
  • той има/очаква го голямо БЪДЕЩЕ a great/brilliant future is in store/is reserved for him; he has fine prospects, he has a brilliant future before him
  • човек на БЪДЕЩЕто прен. а rising star
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