
  • approach
  • ПОДХОЖДАМ внимателно към някого approach s.o. gently/tactfully
  • suit, fit. become, match; answer the purpose
  • ПОДХОЖДАМ за be suitable/suited for
  • тази шапка не подхожда на палтото ти this hat does not match/does not go well with your coat
  • тези два цвята не си подхождат these two colours do not match
  • това не ми подхожда this won't do for me, this doesn't suit me
  • ние добре си подхождаме we get on together
  • те си подхождат като двойка they make a nice couple, they are a well-matched couple
  • тази постъпка не ти подхожда such behaviour is unbecoming of/in you
  • такава дума не подхожда тук such a word does not fit in here, this is not the right word here
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