
  • всичко ще направя САМО и САМО да го спася I'd do anything to save him
  • САМОи САМО да ме ядоса with the sole purpose of making me angry, simply to make me angry, for no other reason than to make me angry
  • САМО така! that's it! that's more like it! now you're talking! той говори САМО така he talks for the sake of argument
  • САМО дето тичахме толкоз here we've been running our legs off all in vain
  • САМО-
  • (предст. със същ. и прил.) self-; auto-
  • САМОкритика self-criticism
  • САМОзараждане autogenesis
  • САМОзалъгвам се delude o.s
  • only; solely
  • САМО в този случай in this case only
  • САМО той може/знае he alone can/knows
  • САМО заради тебе for your sake only; all because of you
  • САМО Петър не дойде/не заспа Peter was the only one who didn't come/go to sleep, Peter was the only one not to come/not to go to sleep
  • САМО ние двамата just you and me, just our two selves
  • САМО така може да this is the only way to
  • това е САМО за добро it's all to the good
  • това му прави САМО чест it's all to his credit
  • САМО ти си си виновен you have only yourself to blame, it's all your own fault
  • не е САМО това there is more to it than that
  • САМО със сила only by force, by sheer force
  • мисля САМО за think only of. think of nothing but
  • той знае САМО да се оплаква he does nothing but complain, he keeps complaining
  • признавам САМО на думи pay lip-service to
  • САМО за това разправям be full of it
  • той е САМО кожа и кости he is nothing but skin and bone
  • САМО той да не е anyone but he
  • САМО това не! anything but that! САМО това да е if that were all
  • САМО през 2 г. in 2 alone
  • не си САМО ти на света разг. you're not the only pebble on the beach
  • САМО колкото да се каже perfunctorily
  • (просто) merely, only
  • аз САМО го попитах как се казва I merely/only asked his name, all I did was ask his name
  • САМО от злоба out of mere spite
  • САМО като я погледна the mere sight of hеr
  • (не повече от, точно) only, just
  • САМО (за) веднаж just (for) once
  • тя е САМО на шестнадесет години she is only sixteen
  • САМО веднаж през живота once in a lifetime
  • САМО за няколко дни
  • for a few days only
  • in a few brief days
  • САМО за десет години in ten short years
  • САМО за един век in a bare century
  • САМО преда две седмици only a fortnight ago, as recently as a fortnight ago
  • (все, непрекъснато) all the time; keep (c ger.)
  • do nothing but (c inf. без to)
  • САМО влизам и излизам do nothing but go in and out
  • детето САМО плаче the child keeps crying, the child cries all the time
  • (покрит, изцапан с) all covered with; (covered) all over with
  • САМО кал съм be all covered with mud, be mud all over, разг. be all over mud
  • не САМО..., но и not only..., but also
  • не САМО красива, но и умна not only beautiful, but also clever, she is clever as well as beautiful
  • не САМО чух, но и видях not only did I hear about it, but I saw it with my own eyes
  • САМО ако, стига САМО да provided, only if
  • САМО че (но, обаче) only, but
  • да тръгнем, САМО че е късно we might start, but it's rather late
  • САМО защото just/merely because
  • САМО да
  • САМО да викнеш, ще дойде you have only to call and he'll corner
  • САМО да не закъснееш mind you're not late, whatever you do; don't be late; (молба) please, don't be late
  • САМО дето не nearly, all but; come near to (c ger.)
  • САМО дето не си изгуби службата he all but/nearly lost his; job he came near to losing his job
  • частица
  • (за усилване) only, just
  • да знаеш САМО if only you knew
  • САМО помисли just think
  • (закана) just
  • САМО се опитай! just you dare! just try! балерина ли? САМО на балерина ще ми станеш a ballet-dancer? a fine dancer you'll be when I've done with you
  • (тъкмо точно) САМО за гости сме a fine state we're in to have company
  • САМО и САМО да with the sole purpose of (c ger), for no other reason than to (c inf. без to)
  • наречие
  • only
2 допълнителни резултата:
биол.раждащ само по едноuniparous
само едваbut
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